
Moez Kassam Deposition – The Full Transcription

T13 - MOTION RECORD (VOLUME 2 OF 3) (Motion to Compel Answers to Undertakings and Refusals) (Page 92 – 157 and 230-272)Below are links...

Canntrust conversation – Full Proof of Anson Funds Securities Fraud

This conversation between Moez and one of the defendants provides incontrovertible evidence that Moez not only traded on insider information, but attempted--through nefarious means--to...

Damning court documents of Anson Funds and Hindenburg “research” partnership (All Documents)

Table of contents: Introduction Payments to Hindenburg The Facedrive emails (All of them) Anson Funds trades in Facedrive Anson Funds profits on Facedrive trade Distributing the report ahead of publication Anson...

Anson Funds and Hindenburg Research Commit Securities Fraud – Court Docs Reveal Everything

Bloomberg published an investigation last month into Anson Funds and how its leadership colludes with other short sellers, proving a link between Anson and...

Anson Funds Throwing Everyone Under the Bus & Moez Kassam Charity Con

Anson Funds offered the Feds over $50 million to reduce charges.Important reading:Part I: Moez Kassam and Anson Funds: A Tale of Corruption, Greed, and Failure Part...

Anson Funds’ New Target: Verses AI

Verses AI Anson Funds New Target Verses AI is an early-stage cognitive computing company building next-generation intelligent systems. Verses AI Inc close sources have informed us...

SEC Tightens Noose on Anson Funds As DoJ Closes in on Criminal Charges

The recent SEC charges against Anson Funds are significantly different than previous fines, and represent a clear tightening of the noose as the DoJ works to...

Anson Funds and Andrew Left – Insider Trading & The Secret Partnership

If you have information on Anson Funds illegal practices send it to: [email protected] Left was a big name in the short-selling world for many...

Anson Funds and the Great Con

Anson Funds continue with business as usual, ignoring regulators, and even the DoJ, and bulldozing ahead with a strategy of destroying companies and investor...

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