Anson Funds Throwing Everyone Under the Bus & Moez Kassam Charity Con

Anson funds
Anson funds

Anson Funds offered the Feds over $50 million to reduce charges.

Moez kassam and Anson Funds

Important reading:

Part I: Moez Kassam and Anson Funds: A Tale of Corruption, Greed, and Failure
Part II: Moez Kassam & Anson Funds Part II: Rotten To The Core
Part III: Moez Kassam & Anson Funds: Panic as DOJ Widens Investigation
Part IV: Selling Everyone Out
Other reading: Anson Funds and the Great Con
Other reading: Moez Kassam & Anson Funds: The Big Secret
Other reading: GENIUS Brands – The Story Anson Funds Doesn’t Want You To Read

Hot off the street: Under intense pressure, Moez Kassam gave up Andrew Left to save himself.

Has Moez Kassam already been charged and flipped on Left?

We have had a number of sources close to Moez Kassam write to inform us that Moez/Anson have recently received a sealed indictment. According to these sources they have been found guilty; however, as cooperating witnesses, that information is being kept from the public for now whilst they are used to assist with the ongoing investigation. This only buys them time. Despite this, they continue their illicit shorting schemes (see Verses AI).

It is rumored that Anson Funds offered the Feds over $50 million to reduce charges, but their offer was rejected. From what we are hearing, the Feds want Moez and his senior team in handcuffs.

So who is Moez rolling on to secure himself a better deal? Well, Andrew Left, of course, along with Adam Spears, Matthew MacIsaac (MMCap), Dan Davio (Canaccord), Mark Bistricer, Michael & Aaron Serruya (we have heard they should be very worried), Graham Saunders, Nate Anderson, CIBC, TD, and many others. All concerned should be, and likely are, increasingly nervous with the knowledge that Moez will do or say anything to save himself.

Dan Davio, Canaccord CEO, is not sleeping well, for instance.

Davio and Canaccord have had a huge number of dealings with Anson Funds in the past. Davio is at the top of the hit list, and if our sources are correct and Moez has received a sealed indictment, Davio will be one of the people he is helping to bring down. Moez apparently has the goods on him, and is loyal to no one. Davio knows this well.

Mark Bistricer appears to be having a nervous breakdown.

Reportedly, Marc has also been feeling the heat and has taken to making threatening calls at night under the influence of alcohol. It only took a few years for him to go from the “smartest man in Canada’s markets” (in his mind) to one of the most scared. This is a repeat offender and partner of Moez on multiple deals. Marc knows Moez will roll on him in a heartbeat, and Moez knows where a lot of the bodies are buried. You can find out more on the dealings of Bistricer and Moez here:

Everyone mentioned above should be aware that whatever Moez is saying to you is a lie. He is poison. He will pour honey into your ear and stab you in the back at the same time. Most of you deserve the destruction he is bringing to you though.

The Charity Con

Moez takes great pride in lauding his charitable generosity and having people believe he loves giving back. He even got Toronto Life to vote him in as one of the most influential Torontonians of 2023.

This mention is something he is immensely proud of but like everything Moez does it’s not genuine. Do you think his mention in Toronto Life might have something to do with the fact one of the paid directors of his foundation is the former editor in chief of Toronto life, Sarah Fulford?

Many in Toronto were wondering how a lowlife like Moez could make it onto the list. Well now you have your answer. He paid for it.

This was just another PR stunt. Moez only gives for the tax credit, and what he gives is overvalued illiquid stock that he still controls.

The Moez and Marissa Kassam Foundation was setup for tax benefits and PR, not for giving back. Here is how it works:

Moez finds some overvalued garbage penny stock (and he has a lot of those with all of the personal deals he is given by companies). He then donates this penny stock that is usually highly inflated in price and illiquid to a charity he controls or has a say in. He then receives a capital gain credit from the CRA. When the charity sells it (if ever), then Moez tells them where to donate. So he reduces his tax bill.

If the stock rallies for some reason, it’s still under his control to borrow, short and abuse.

That’s it. He does this for tax purposes and the PR. Nothing more. All of the PR he gets is because of his high-level PR agency, which Anson pays close to $100k monthly to only get positive pieces published. They also work on a catch-and-kill policy, which means they kill negative stories about Moez and Anson through their extensive media network.

How Anson Funds Got Started: The Adam Spears Story

Many people have asked us how Anson Funds get started in the first place; who the original investors were; and what the origins of the initial funding were.

It all has to do with Adam Spears. Adam was the grandson of two wealthy men, Morris Diamond and Saul Spears. They pumped tens of millions of dollars into the fund and gave Adam and Moez their start.

The publicly acknowledged story is that Adam left the fund with a measly $5 million payout. But this is not true. Adam in fact pocketed close to $25 million (something he doesn’t want people to know) and we have it on good authority that he was involved with the fund much longer than many believe after his resignation. We do know that he withdrew most of the Diamond family money from the fund when he left. The $25 million didn’t go directly to him but was paid out over many different accounts, including to an aunt named Sari.

Adam likes to think that he is in the clear, but he is guilty of multiple counts of market manipulation and fraud, and regulators need to speak with him about the illegal trading strategies at Anson, and particularly about his role in what Moez did to Zenabis.

Spears has let the world believe that he is a conscientious investor and left the fund because of Moez’ illegal activities; however, this is only partly true. The main reason Spears left is because he received a large inheritance and felt it was time to move on. However, we suspect that Moez is telling the authorities everything they need to know about Spears, so justice will be coming for him soon, as well.

Please keep the news and information coming in.

Anson Funds and Andrew Left – Insider Trading & The Secret Partnership

Anson Funds and the Great Con

New Lawsuit Against Anson Funds – Sentia Wellness

Anatomy of an Anson Funds Short & Distort Attack: Recon Africa

Moez Kassam & Anson Funds: Panic as DOJ Widens Investigation

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1 month ago

I found the link to this article on the ‘Apex Trader Funding’ Discord server and I want to express my support. These articles are truly valuable and I believe they will help many people

1 month ago
Reply to  Wallace

I advise all to focus on mmcap and canaworms.

1 month ago

it seems the moez is a rat ,mmcap is in focus

Joe Shmoe
Joe Shmoe
1 month ago

Interesting article will be especially interesting to see how it all unfolds

1 month ago

Hi! I just received a message on Discord with a link to a website. I checked it out and I really like the site! 😊 The stories are excellent, and I want to give all my praise to the author for having the courage to share this with us.

shecky green
shecky green
1 month ago

so the midget gets to close out their shorts over the next year all while he gets evidence against others secretly. Most don’t even know he is an informant. Something is wrong here

1 month ago

i read on Twitter that they are up to something with MSOS, what is that something and will there be an article about it here soon?

1 month ago

While everyone appreciates the optimism MF seems to have for Anson’s demise, if you look at the article March ’23 it said Anson was “selling everyone out” too.

For almost 3 yrs MF has said Anson was panicked, scared, or desperate…and yet they still fart thru silk….is he REALLY panicked now???

The articles state that Anson is in cahoots with a top Canadian newspaper, and the Canadian Stock Exchange is a complete joke (no uptick rule??).

My sense is Anson pays the regulators off so they can keep fleecing Canadian stocks, and Canadian investors just bitch about it on the Internet.

What happened to that $1B class action suit??

Dont fight city hall or in this case Canadian Stock Exchange “regulators”.

Sorry to say MF has cried “wolf” too many times..while the toad will find a way to leave warts on Canadian investors.

Vinnie T
Vinnie T
1 month ago

“The way the company is structured [means] there can be potential conflicts of interest and the intercompany link-ages create issues,” Salman Malik (Catalyst) of Barometer when he was working with Moez to short the company and doing media rounds. Soon there after he is now with Anson Funds as Portfolio Manager? This whole company is filled with crooks. And I am glad your site is helping the authorities get them

Shimon Garfield
Shimon Garfield
1 month ago
Reply to  Vinnie T

These people are scum. I wonder with these wolf pack attacks if Canada will actually prosecute them… the money is not even here. Its in the Cayman Islands, South America and Dubai. And the cases are complex and require forensic help. But for the sake of investors these weeds need to be pulled!!

28 days ago

It took 5 months to bust Puff Diddy but it has taken the DOJ over 3 years to conclude a crime with a digital trail?
Why do I get the sense that Andrew Left is gonna walk and Anson too.
You now know why no serious money invests in and regulators are in bed together.

stuart rosenberg
stuart rosenberg
23 days ago

It was just a few days ago puff was hanging out and eating well and now look at the animal. Things can change overnight when dealing with the doj

18 days ago

If the SEC rejected the settlement offer due to a larger investigation with the DOJ, that means potential criminal charges and sentences instead of just fines. I like it.

Warren Quinlisk
Warren Quinlisk
18 days ago

Sure they will turn on each other they have no morals or respect for anyone. What do you expect from a bunch of thieves? They all run their mouths while stealing but wine like little bitches when caught. You punks will look good in orange!

don p
don p
14 days ago

you plan on giving an update on anything soon?

Liam Harper
Liam Harper
11 days ago

The close people to Moez whom he hired were trying by all means to shut down the website.

joshy benjamin
joshy benjamin
5 days ago

You are upsetting Adam Spears around the high holidays and you may have ruined it for him. Its no secret that the real dirt is zenabis and Spears being a director and shorting it. Where is the doj when you need them.Did Andrew Left flip?