Anson Funds Desperate For $350 Million Amid DOJ Investigation

Anson Funds

Anson Funds Desperate For $350 Million Amid DOJ Investigation

The below update was copied from a poster on Reddit. We have verified most of the information to be accurate:

Moez Kassam continues with his end-of-the-world party strategy as the Anson empire crumbles around him, with legal fees now hitting close to $5 million a month, according to sources close to his operations, as lawsuits mount and regulatory pressure reaches the point of no return.

Performance hasn’t just been dull—it’s been atrocious, though unitholders are being fed a constant stream of untruths to keep them calm.

A key indicator is this: Anson has repeatedly delayed the release of its latest NAV because the numbers aren’t good—and no amount of fraudulent accounting can make them look good at this point.

Not all unitholders can be easily appeased. In fact, more and more are pulling funds as the DOJ and SEC investigations continue to gather steam. Sources close to Moez Kassam are experiencing heightened anxiety as they become aware of his plans to cut and run to Dubai, for good, as soon as possible.

The latest news on the street is that brokers everywhere have been offered a 10% commission to help Anson raise $350 million—urgently. It sounds like the deal of a lifetime. Sources at brokerage firms say Anson is willing to pay 30% interest for a one-year term loan—and up to 50% interest in some circumstances. This is existential for Anson. If these funds don’t come in, the fund is finished.

The deal sounds unbelievably attractive for a lender, until it becomes clear that there would never be a return on investment. When the fund is frozen by the DOJ, all lender assets will be frozen along with it—and confiscated. This is the secret knowledge behind Moez Kassam’s deal offering. He can offer up to 50% when he knows where it’s headed. That’s the risk premium.

Extensive due diligence on these offers among a multitude of finance sources has revealed that Anson is offering up a variety of pitches to a variety of potential lenders. But the primary cover story remains the same: Anson is telling potential investors that they have an opportunity to scoop up distressed assets for pennies on the dollar, and they are already in the money.

Anson just needs the funding to make this alleged once-in-a-lifetime deal happen. However, there is no opportunity. What we’re dealing with here is simply a fund that is about to go out of business and desperately needs funding to remain a going concern.

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1 year ago

I still don’t understand how there is so little publicity around this guy and Sabby mgmt

1 year ago

I lost my shirt on Sunni’s Nobilis hatchet job in 2015. He was gloating to me on SH about all the volume being dumped during the bloodbath. Been following these pirates ever since. Sunni sounds even worse than Moez if he’s the one willing to take over this mess of an outfit. At least Moez owns his actions with plenty of social media presence. Can’t find a whisper on his coward protégé though.

1 year ago

Moez needs to come clean and confess before Allah before he is utterly annihilated. You’d think he’d have some sense of self preservation. I have never seen a bigger glutton/hypocrite in my entire life for someone who professes to be a Muslim. Do you think he’s ever observed Ramadan in his entire privileged indulgent existence? Moez is a kuffar of the highest order who married into a highly connected Jewish family only to further his ambition and network of influence. Power is his sole motivation, I wonder what he’s compensating for. Also makes me wonder how deeply he’s involved in blackmail in order to indemnify himself and constantly evading repercussions for his deceptions. Oh well, karma is poetically sweet here and agents of Shaitan who are blinded by their own hubris eventually find themselves with only enough rope left to hang themselves with. Good luck in Dubai, literally chased into a barren soulless wasteland where he belongs…lol it’s beautiful to behold.