Anson Funds – Full Lawsuit Files Revealing Their Criminal Business Practices

Well, this is the post everyone has been waiting for. The proof that Anson Funds is a criminal organization masquerading as a financial institution. We have made many posts before, but this time, we have court documents provided by Anson Funds themselves.

These documents prove Nate Anderson, Andrew Left and Anson Funds are liars and have broken multiple laws and regulations.

There is a lot of information, so we have broken it down into a number of reports and links to various sections.

This article will be your master key to all of the Anson Funds documents we obtained from the court files.

Before we get into it, though, we would like to thank Bloomberg for making us aware of all these documents. This information would have remained hidden from the public and regulators if they hadn’t exposed Anson Funds in their latest article.

We will start off with the information we think you are all looking to see. Then we will give brief descriptions and provide links to the downloaded court documents. All documents have court file numbers and stamps. (We are sure Anson and Hindenburg will say they are fake).

You can also obtain all of these documents independently, and we will be showing you shortly how to do that easily and without the normal hassle you would have to go through.

Anson Funds & Hindenburg Research Facedrive Fraud – the full files

This was briefly covered in our previous post, but these files expose the partnership between Anson Funds and Hindenburg Research. There are dozens of emails and attachments, proofs of payment from Anson to Hindenburg, Anson Funds trading records, the profits Anson made on the trade, and even Moez Kassam saying how he created Hindenburg–and MUCH more.

This is the blueprint that has be repeated dozens of times and should give the regulators what they need to understand how Anson Funds operates.

If you are going to start anywhere – it has to be here.

(You can get access to the full Anson Funds Facedrive fraud files here.)

Canntrust Whatsapp Messages – Insider Trading & Market Manipulation

This conversation between Moez and one of the defendants is highly revealing and provides incontrovertible evidence that Moez not only traded on Inside information, but attempted through nefarious means to have a company de-listed and its fundraising re-priced. It also shows how far he will go to hurt a company and make money.

In the conversation, Moez also claims to have created Hindenburg. (Something the Adani Group and others will be very interested in learning). He also makes numerous claims about Andrew Left and the number of times they have worked together, including this statement: “He’s a crazy man. He doesn’t share 50% of the stuff he does -especially longs. We only get stuff when we’re involved. Which is almost always.”

You have to read it to believe it!

Here are a few other highlights:

Page 1I’m paying you 15% of profits. Let me cut you a big check. We need to keep this quiet. (This is VERY important as it is a paid balance sheet arrangement on the effectiveness of the reports and the profit that will be shared).
Page 3what do you think you’ve got that isn’t out that will have the most impact. I’ll short some more b4 report
Page 4What time you going?
Page 510am – I shorted more
Page 23Moez email to underwriters trying to undermine the actual company: “We want to understand what steps you are taking here – especially curious on the secondary share sale authorized by you. Clearly this is a mess – and we are being inundated with calls from class action lawyers but that isn’t our style and I’m sure you guys will do the right thing so we’ve avoided them for now.”
You trying to start a class action here? Haha just rattling cages. Don’t post that obviously. We played 10 mn in that deal
Page 42We need to get some scoop. Someone’s gotta know something. Bang some secretary. Make ur moves!
Page 43Especially at the Belleville facility. We need to get a mole there

Other report: Andrew Left would do it to. We can have Citron on it. (How many files have Anson worked with Left on? They told the SEC only two.)

(The Full Canntrust report is here)

Moez Kassam Deposition transcripts:

This is your chance to see the Toad of Bay Street in action.

If you go through the whole two days, you will see that Moez lied on dozens of occasions, and all of this took place in April 2023. Since these depositions took place, there have been a number of revelations from the SEC proving he lied on just about everything, from shorting companies and relationships with short sellers to payments to journalist contacts.

(The full deposition texts from both days can be found here).

How a bad Tilray Trade almost broke Anson Funds (400 pages of communications with TD Bank)

TD Bank has been in the news a lot recently for all the wrong reasons.

Clearly, it’s a corrupt institution, and the fact the bank is working with a criminal outfit like Anson Funds proves it has learned nothing its mistakes and has made no attempt to clean house.

Having looked through the hundred+ emails between the two companies, it’s clear that a number of rules have been broken here and a huge amount of leeway has been awarded to Anson Funds.
TD also were the only bank Moez claimed he traded Facedrive through.

Did TD Bank have the full borrow on every share they shorted?

Is there another TD Bank scandal here??

You can see the full files here:

(TD Bank email communications)

(TD Bank email communications and attachments)

Anson Funds Schedule B-1 – payments to Hindenburg for Aphria hit pieces

This is a list of the privileged communications between Anson Funds and their lawyers.

How they let this get out remains unclear, as some of the communications on here are hugely damaging.

There are emails between Anson Funds and Hindenburg Research before and after two Hindenburg hit pieces on the cannabis company Aphria in March 2018.

One of the most damning pieces of evidence is an invoice where Anson Funds paid Hindenburg a few weeks after the hit pieces came out. Anson Funds and Hindenburg have denied that there was any financial relationship between the two.

What does this mean for the Catalyst Capital lawsuit against Anson Funds, where Catalyst accused Anson of working in a wolfpack alongside other short sellers – the primary one being Hindenburg Research? It appears that Anson and Hindenburg lied through their teeth and have been working together for many years. (We are in the process of obtaining the documents from the court for that lawsuit as well)

In a Whatsapp conversation (which we have), Moez even claims to have created Hindenburg, stating the following, “I gave Hindenburg his entire file.” (You can see the actual conversation in the Canntrust file).

(You can see the full Schedule B-1 Here and descriptions of the most important docs).

Moez Kassam’s threats to one of the defendants with negative publicity

A common theme throughout the course of our investigations over the years has been the relationship between Anson Funds and The Globe & Mail newspaper.

We are working on a standalone piece about this unholy alliance and the dozens of companies these two organizations have worked on together to destroy and earn Anson Funds a nice profit.

In addition to using The Globe to attack companies, Anson Funds also uses them to attack people, as can be seen on the following document with Moez asking for information.

He also makes the following threat:

As you are aware the Globe & Mail has been working on a big piece on this whole thing and they are waiting for us to file a claim to see who else is involved. And given your history and rap sheet and all that, it’s going to be interesting there.  

I’ll send you the file, you guys make a decision and if I don’t hear back from you, Wednesday this is all getting filed and you will be hearing from the Globe and everyone else I’m sure shortly thereafter.

The Globe made good on Moez’s threat.

(You can read the full phone conversation here)

Anson Funds trades in Facedrive, Aphria, Recon Africa, Zenabis and Hexo

These are trade files from Anson Funds in the following companies:
Reconnaissance Energy Africa
Genius Brands

This is just a sheet from Anson with trade numbers. We doubt they are the real trade numbers as we would want to see brokerage statement and actual trade tickets. Even though these are probably only a fraction of their real trades, they might be of use to readers.

One company in particular that we know they lied about is Genius Brands.
We have covered Genius Brands extensively, and there is even a lawsuit against Anson for actually selling restricted stock.

Genius Brands is another company that Hindenburg and Anson Funds worked together on as you can read here. 

(You can see all of the trades here).

Full Files from the lawsuit

We have gone to the trouble of uploading all of the court filings with the pleadings and all motion records, which is where most of the useful documents are.

Everything has been broken down and is easy for you to access and obtain.

There are a lot of documents.

(You can access the full court files here)

Get the files yourself from the court

We spent a long time going back and forth with the court trying to find the right files. If you are a journalist or regulator and want to go through the court yourself below is the way to do it:

Send this letter:

email address: [email protected]

Subject: Document request – Court file number CV-20-0653410-00CL

Dear Court Secretary,

Could you send us documents for the following case:

Lawsuit name, Anson Advisors Inc, et al v Stafford, et al

Court file number, CV-20-0653410-00CL

We would like access to all of the motion records from the most recent going back to the beginning of the lawsuit.
We would also like the pleading files as well.

Yours faithfully,


Once the documents come over access our lawsuit files page so you can find everything you need easily and don’t spend the hundreds of hours we did going through everything.

Even after all of this, there is much more to come. We have two other major pieces coming up–one looking at Anson Funds involvement in cyber crime, where we have proof of their illegal actions, and the other relating to the Fund’s relationship with The Globe & Mail.

Anson Funds Financial Statements

For those of you interested we have the financial statements from November 30 2020 through to December 31 2022 for the following Anson Funds entities:

Anson Investments Master Fund, L.P. – (A Cayman Islands Exempted Limited Partnership)

(You can see the financial statements here) 

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2 days ago

so does moez think that shoving maza balls down and fighting with mellisa is going to stop this

3 days ago

wheres this. This guys at a US firm now.

  1. Winston Miles – Trader Tony – We all know Tony for the bottom feeder he is. As one of Moez’s stooges, he gets access to all of the good stuff first. All payments to Winston need to be looked at closely. He also has some British Virgin Island entities that need investigating. You will find some very interesting payments here.

5 days ago

those zenabis trades are wild since spears was a director

7 days ago

anson continues their short algo games but what should keep moez up at night is who is the fellow jeet in his office that’s a federal ratt.

don p
don p
9 days ago

is this the end or the beginning of something?

Fund auditor
Fund auditor
10 days ago

does anyone have fund financials? Interesting to look at.

looking for answers
looking for answers
10 days ago

What happened to the bay st cronies??

11 days ago

was watching the new chucky movie last night and who did it remind me of? thats correct the big daddy himself